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🔧 servicer License

Simplify Service Management on systemd

servicer is a user-friendly CLI tool designed to simplify service management on systemd, abstracting away the complexities of the systemd ecosystem. With an easy-to-use API comparable to popular tools like pm2, servicer empowers users to create, control, and manage services effortlessly.

servicer is lightweight, written in Rust and doesn’t run in the background. It does not fork services nor run a custom logging solution. It is a thin layer on systemd that creates .ser.service files. Logging is handled by journald.


Download the binary from the release page or setup as-


# grant permissions
chmod +rwx ./servicer

# Rename to ser and make it accessable from path
sudo mv ./servicer /usr/bin/ser

# This should work now
ser --help

Or build from source

cargo install servicer
sudo ln -s ~/.cargo/bin/servicer /usr/bin/ser

Create service

sudo ser create index.js --start --enable

# Custom interpreter
sudo ser create index.js --start --enable --interpreter deno

Or write your own custom .service file. servicer provides a starter template to get you started quickly.

sudo ser edit index.js

Got an existing service? No problem. Rename your .service file to .ser.service and servicer will pick it up.

View services

ser status
| pid   | name        | active | enable on boot | cpu % | memory |
| 24294 |    index.js | active | true           | 0     | 9.5 KB |

View logs

ser logs index.js

Stop, disable or delete

# Stop a running service
sudo ser stop index.js

# Disable load on boot
sudo ser disable index.js

# Delete the .service file
sudo ser rm index.js

View file and unit path

ser which index.js
Paths for index.js.ser.service:
| name         | path                                                      |
| Service file | /etc/systemd/system/index.js.ser.service                  |
| Unit file    | /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/index_2ejs_2eser_2eservice |